If you look back to my December post, you'll remember me talking about water freezing overnight with the cold weather. If there's one thing the chickens need, it's a steady supply of fresh water. They're not too fond of ice cubes (beaks are too small!).
There are two options in the quest for unfrozen water: a heated waterer or a heater base with a galvanized waterer on top. After speaking to a couple of people who know, including the nice guys at Agway, I decided to go with the heater base/galvanized waterer mainly because I was told they were more reliable and would last longer.
If you didn't click on the links, you missed that both options are both options cost $40+ -- not exactly cheap! Little did I know how expensive it would end up!
On my first trip to Agway, the warmer bases were sold out. On my second trip, I managed to get one. Success! Or so I thought.
We don't have power run out to our coop, so my husband went to the hardware store and bought 150 yards of 14-2 gauge, outdoor-rated, waterproof extension cord (also not cheap!). We hooked it all up and voila: unfrozen water.
Wait, no so fast. (If this were a movie, right now would be when you would hear the sound of a record scratch.)
The extension cord was hooked up to our outdoor gfci outlet. Suddenly all the gfci outlets in our house were tripping. You know, the light/fan combo in the shower and all? The worst part was that we couldn't seem to reset anything. After a couple of days frustration, we called an electrician. The electrician came through the house, checked everything, and told us he thought it was the warmer base that was causing a ground short and tripping the gfci outlets. $207 to find out that we bought a faulty warmer base. OUCH!
Back to Agway I went, where they happily exchanged my defective base for a new one. Back home I went to get my poor hens some fresh water. The new base has been more reliable though it still occasionally trips the gfci outlet. We don't know if it's the crazy weather we've been having in the Northeast or if there's a problem with the extension cord, which is buried under 3 feet of snow. We just have to remember to check it daily so that the gals are well hydrated.
Who knew????
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