Raising Chickens in Your Backyard

Raising Chickens in Your Backyard
"People who count their chickens before they are hatched act very wisely, because chickens run about so absurdly that it is impossible to count them accurately." Oscar Wilde

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cuckoo for Google?

Sometime in September, I contacted McMurray Hatchery about my "Dominique" rooster Google. In question was whether he really was a Dominque, which didn't seem possible based on his large single comb. (Dominiques have small pea combs.) So what breed is he actually??? The hatchery folks seem to think that based on his comb type and that he has white legs, he is actually a cuckoo marans.


How did I end up with that? Um, guess they threw in a complimentary rare chick as a little gift from them to me. Great gift when I only wanted hens. Luckily, my neighbors seem to think that the incessant crowing only adds to the pastoral charm of the neighborhood. Phew!

The top photo is a picture of a bunch of silver cuckoo marans, which kind of look like Google. I'll post a picture of him tomorrow and you can decide for yourself.

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