Raising Chickens in Your Backyard

Raising Chickens in Your Backyard
"People who count their chickens before they are hatched act very wisely, because chickens run about so absurdly that it is impossible to count them accurately." Oscar Wilde

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Once again, I am speculating on the gender of our Dominique (or is it Dominic?)!

The picture below is of Google from a couple of days ago. Google is the chick that we think may be a male.

Now look at one of the other Dominiques:

Notice that Google's comb (the bumpy ridge above his beak) is already visible and rather developed, especially compared with the other Dominique, who has no signs of a comb at all.

I guess the good news is that if Google is indeed a cockerel (and on his way to roosterhood), he will probably be a pretty mellow one. Why you ask? Well, because Charlotte manhandles him all day long. She is constantly holding/tormenting him and as a result, he is used to being around people. He doesn't even run away from the kids like all the other chicks do when they try to pick him up. Roosters can be nasty, so if we do have one in the mix, it would be nice to have a gentle one. Also, is it too much to ask for a quiet rooster as well? Probably!

As always, I'll keep you posted!

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