The chickens are managing quite nicely despite the frigid temperatures. Their water keeps freezing overnight, so I make sure to give them nice warm water in the morning. We need to buy a heated waterer for our birds, but when I last went in to Agway, they were sold out. I need to trek up there, but just haven't had the time. The heated waterer is a kind of like a hot plate. You place the water on top of a heater base and through the power of electricity, your water never freezes.
When the weather is this cold, you need to collect eggs a couple of times a day so that they don't freeze. (Frozen eggs, NOT good eats.) When I checked the laying boxes, a nice Buff Orpington was sitting on a clutch of about 5 eggs. I felt a bit mean stealing them from her when she was doing such a nice job keeping them toasty, but now is not the time of year to be raising chicks. I suspect they wouldn't survive the cold New England winter if they did manage to hatch. Charlotte has also reported over the past few days that she has seen a Buff sitting on the eggs. My guess is that it is the same bird. This has me thinking ... if I have a broody hen, and several roosters, then maybe I will let her raise a clutch come spring. I think the kids would absolutely love it, and who can resist a few fluffy little chicks running around the yard?
Not me!